So, on Monday, later on that night I went to T.I.’s free concert that he had at Greenbriar Mall. When I tell ya’ll it was turnt it was turnt! So, I thought I would share a quick clip  of one of the first songs that put T.I. as one of my favorite rappers in my book. “Please excuse the poor footage from my phone”



You’re probably wondering why is there a large Patrick from Spongebob up on my blog. The reason for this is very simple but I’m going to tell you through a quick story. So, recently I just watched “The Experimenter” on Netflix (unless you are majoring or majored in psychology I don’t suggest you watch it in my opinion unless you are fascinated with history) basically it centered upon Milgram’s study of obedience and throughout the entire movie he received harsh criticism for this study (using electric shock on people who wouldn’t) and no matter how many board meetings he went to, no matter how many of his students he tried simplifying the purpose of this study to they just couldn’t get it. < This is the reason why I have a Patrick up there, because not everyone isn’t as smart as you, catches on to the information like you, and everyone doesn’t think like you . No matter how much you simplify for someone they may never understand and that’s when you have run into a PATRICK (just hope that somebody can get through to this person, because you surely can’t). As I go through my journey after college I’ve seen and heard this happen to so many people and I’ll probably experience more of the Patrick’s throughout my entire life.



Is the customer always right?

Anyone who has worked in sales or any type of retail location knows that you deal with every type of customer in the book. Just to narrow it down to 3  customers. Customer 1 is the customer we love to encounter with, the typical customer who needs help and loves the help you’re giving them. Customer 2 is the customer that asks questions about everything and you know the answers but they still ask you more questions and asks others the same questions until they are satisfied with an answer. Customer 3 is the “ticking time bomb” customer anything you say to them they can possibly blow up at any moment and make a complete scene out of nothing. This type of customer usually asks for an even higher authority then the manager (usually). Anyone with a Customer 2 or just a Customer 3 usually handles it as professional as possible, but in our heads we know it’s not right and they are really making a big deal out of nothing. But hey we keep moving forward, because there are alot more Customer 1’s than 3’s.

Comment below and tell me your crazed story about dealing with any kind of customer (good or bad), I would love to see you all’s feedback! Thanks for reading, remember next post on Monday!


Has there ever been a moment where you’re just terrified or truly a baby towards things well that’s what I’ve experienced before and this past week. Starting with the past week, me and my best friend decided to go and get her ears pierced. While we are waiting I get a text from her (she is literally sitting next to me) saying that she feels a little scared and is being a big baby right now. First, I didn’t even reply to the text I just looked at her and said, ” It’s really not that bad”. Then, while were waiting for our turn I then ask her if she wants me to come in with her so she won’t be too scared. She said if I wanted to but I decided anyway I would go ahead. Next, it was our turn, the ear piercing literally took 2 minutes and it was over! After it was done she felt relieved and said all she felt was a pinch and that was it.

In certain situations, in my opinion, it’s always good to have a friend who you are really comfortable with to be there with you in those different situations.

Next, going backward to my previous experience, my college graduation. YES, my college graduation I admit that I was literally terrified. Mainly I was terrified, because the day before when we all were practicing the stairs before you walk across the stage were wobbly and unstable to the point where the rail couldn’t support you. So the next morning, I was fine not even thinking about the stairs until someone in my row mentioned them and then all of a sudden that terrifying feeling came back! OMG it got worse all the way until it was time for us to enter and walk to our seats before we walked across the stage. During the ceremony it got worse, because not only was I terrified my whole row was terrified (nothing but females shaking and all you could hear were heels and the speakers). When it was time for us to get up and almost walk across the stage I stood up took a deep breathe and I walked to where the stairs were and when it was time for my name to be called I took my time walking up the steps and by the time I was halfway across the stage I didn’t feel terrified anymore.

Maybe it just takes time to realize that overthinking can not only make you scared but can stress you out alot. By me taking the time and not thinking about those stairs really took the feeling of terror and stress off.

Now, the message I’m trying to get across is to really just calm down, because there are certain situations that we just overthink too much and it becomes a burden upon ourselves at that moment. So, in those moments take the time out and actually calm down or calm down and have a friend with you.

Thank you for reading,

Signed, DearYourLove



You’re probably thinking this is just another boring blog about self love, BUT you’re WRONG. This blog will discuss the weird,stupid, crazy things that happen in my life and others as well. You’re also probably wondering why I started a blog, the same reason why everyone starts something new for a fresh start. My reason why is to become dedicated to something besides work and other things and to also share some of my stories and others stories as well.
