Is the customer always right?

Anyone who has worked in sales or any type of retail location knows that you deal with every type of customer in the book. Just to narrow it down to 3  customers. Customer 1 is the customer we love to encounter with, the typical customer who needs help and loves the help you’re giving them. Customer 2 is the customer that asks questions about everything and you know the answers but they still ask you more questions and asks others the same questions until they are satisfied with an answer. Customer 3 is the “ticking time bomb” customer anything you say to them they can possibly blow up at any moment and make a complete scene out of nothing. This type of customer usually asks for an even higher authority then the manager (usually). Anyone with a Customer 2 or just a Customer 3 usually handles it as professional as possible, but in our heads we know it’s not right and they are really making a big deal out of nothing. But hey we keep moving forward, because there are alot more Customer 1’s than 3’s.

Comment below and tell me your crazed story about dealing with any kind of customer (good or bad), I would love to see you all’s feedback! Thanks for reading, remember next post on Monday!

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